
Solo Recordings 1978-2009
Robert De Visee - "Pièces de Thèorbe, de Luth et de Guitarre" (c. 1716)
- Nigel North (Theorbo, Lute, Baroque Guitar)
- Decca L'Oisauu - Lyre DSLO 542 (LP only) (1978)
John Dowland - Complete Lute Music
- Nigel North (Renaissance Lute)
- 5 LP box set with Bailes/Lindberg/Rooley/Wilson
- Decca L'Oisauu - Lyre DSLO D187D5 (LP only) (1980)
"Pièces de Luth"
- Nigel North (Baroque Lute)
- French Lute Music of the 17th Century
- Music by Gaultier, Mercure, Mouton. Gallot and de Visèe
- UEA 81704 (LPonly) (1981)
Guitar Collection
- Nigel North (Renaissance, Baroque and Romantic Guitars, Vihuela)
- with Maggie Cole, Virginals and Fortepiano
- 3 centuries of guitar music from 16th - 19th centuries on 9 different
historical instrumnents
- Amon Ra/Saydisc SAR 18 (LP and CD) (1984)
Bach Lute Music
- Nigel North (Baroque Lute)
- Solo lute works of Bach:
- BWV 1006a, BWV 995. BWV 999 & 1000
- Amon Ra/Saydisc SAR 23 (LP and CD) (1985)
Nigel North - Baroque Lute
- Music by Bach, Weiss and Vivaldi
- Linn Records CKD 006 (1991)
Bach on the Lute
- Volumes 1 & 2 Sonatas and Partitas for solo violin BWV 1001-1006
- in new transcriptions for Lute by Nigel North
- Linn Records CKD 013 and 029 (1994)
Bach on the Lute
- Volumes 3 & 4 Suites for solo cello BWV 1007-1012
- in new transcriptions for Lute by Nigel North
- Linn Records CKD 049 & 055 (1996)
Alessandro Piccinni "Intavolatura di Liuto et di Chitarrone" 1623
- Music for Lute and Chitarronne
- Nigel North (Lute and Chitarrone)
- Arcana A6 (1994)